Artist OPA Services Promo Video on Youtube

19 February, 2021

Hey everyone,

So it has been a week since I did the fist launch. That involved me looking into my Google contacts and writing my closer artist friends and acquaintances. I have had a lot of good feedback. People particularly liked the promo video covering our services and just saying what AOPA is all about. You can see it embedded above, or on the services page, or on the AOPA Youtube Channel.

The video is a DIY project. I have some video chops from way back in Video Sketchbook class with Jan Peacock at the Nova-Scotia College of Art and Design in the eighties, and the pilot I did with Anne Marie Léger at the Banff Centre TV Studio for a TV show on how to make art in the mid nineties. Over the past years, I have done videos on an off for work and for my daughter’s theatre classes. All that gave me the skill set I needed.

I was going to get my brother, who works for radio to do the narration, but he was too busy. So, I just did it myself. I needed a shot of a young-curator-looking person looking at one of our websites. Again, after trying to get someone to do that for me, I ended up doing it myself. My housemate seemed to fit the role perfectly. He was great. We basically reproduced a shot from one of the very pricey stock video services. The great thing about running your own business is that it lets you and the people around you discover talents we don’t usually get to use.

I did purchase the music from The piece is “Patient” by Yan Perchuk. It’s musically interesting and not too corporate. I was also thinking of using “Zero Hour” by Hania Rani, a composer from Poland that I recently discovered, but I never heard back from her record company and had to get the video out there. If I do, and it is not too expensive I will do an alternate version with her music. Really love the piece. Check out the full album Home on her bandcamp page.

Anyway, I am really happy with the results. I am making a pitch for two clients as a result. Very happy.


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Client Feedback

I love your attention to detail, be it in the design, the images, editing text, improving on my writing. Your background in writing is an extra asset to your service. You were very professional in the whole process. You take the whole of the client's needs into consideration and that is what makes your service unique. You care, and it shows in the creation of a beautiful product. I felt you went beyond what was needed to make the site spectacular.

Mariela Borello, Montréal artist

I have so appreciated working with Don at AOPA to create my website. His knowledge of navigation on various screen sizes, his understanding of clients' needs, combined with his attention to detail and endless patience makes working with Don such a pleasure. My online presence has enabled my work to be professionally presented to gallerists and clients alike, which in turn has resulted in exhibition invitations and exposure in print, and has got my work out to a much larger audience . I trust Dons judgement, appreciate his professionalism and I have and do highly recommend collaborating with him on any project.

Jennifer Small, Montréal artist

I am very pleased with my site, its appearance and functionality. I was also happy that you showed me how to do some of the work myself so I can do the updating. You aren’t some young hotshot so I felt like I would be less likely to be judged for my ineptitude with all things computer-related. I am particularly pleased that people continue to be able to find it. I know that is something you put a lot of work into.

Sarah Stevenson, Montréal sculptor